RTI Champion Award 2014 won by Umar Cheema

CRTI RTI Champion Award 2014 won by Umar Cheema, journalist category, Sabahat Ghazanavi, citizen category and CGPA in organization category

CRTI constituted Annual RTI Champion Award in January 2014 to protect and promote citizens’ right to information held by public bodies.
The Award Committee consisting of Mr Zafarullah Khan Executive Director, Centre for Civic Education, Ms. Sana Saleem, Executive Director Bolo Bhi and Mr. Adnan Rehmat, eminent media development professional finalised winners of CRTI RTI Champion Award 2014 on September 15, 2014.
CRTI RTI Champion Award 2014 in journalist category has been given to Mr. Umar Cheema for his outstanding investigative reporting based on the use of right to information laws of the country. Mr. Sabahat Ghazanavi won RTI Champion Award 2014 in citizen category and Centre for Governance and Public Accountability, (CGPA) in organization category. The award ceremony was held on 25th September 2014 at Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad from 1500 Hrs. to 1700 Hrs.

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