TOBA TEK SINGH – The Coalition on Right to Information (CRTI) has invited nominations for the Annual RTI Champion Award – for those who protect and promote citizens’ right to information held by public bodies. The award ceremony is held each year on September 28 to celebrate International Right to Know Day. Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) District Coordinator Shahid said that each year, a citizen and a journalist are given RTI Champion Awards who used right to information laws to have access to information held by public bodies. He added that this year, the RTI Champion award will be given to a citizen who has tried to have access to information held by public bodies through the use of right to information laws. It will also be given to a journalist who has used right to information laws for investigative reporting and persistently advocated for the enactment and implementation of effective right to information laws. He asked those who were interested in nomination to send their filled nomination forms online till Sep 16 to CPDI through its official website.
Published in The Nation, September 05, 2018.