Awareness raising walk held to celebrate 12th international Right to Know day

Islamabad/; Government is custodian of the information and citizens have the right to access information held by government departments to ensure judicious use of public resources. Every year on 28th September, Right to Know day is celebrated throughout the world Continue reading Awareness raising walk held to celebrate 12th international Right to Know day

Bureaucrats hampering free flow of information, says study

ISLAMABAD: Despite enactment of Right to Information (RTI) laws in two major provinces of the country, the bureaucracy in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) continues to offer stiff resistance to efforts for transparency, openness and good governance. According to a latest Continue reading Bureaucrats hampering free flow of information, says study

Regional Conference on “Investigative Reporting and Citizens Right to Information”

ISLAMABAD- Right To Information (RTI) is the constitutional right of every citizen of the country, now is the time to say goodbye to overpowering culture of secrecy in Pakistan and embrace whole heartedly people’s right to know. Information is power Continue reading Regional Conference on “Investigative Reporting and Citizens Right to Information”

Right to information: Six months on, Punjab yet to implement law

Punjab government continues dragging its feet on the implementation of the Punjab Transparency and Right to Information Act, which was enacted by Punjab Assembly on December 16 last year, says a press release by Coalition on Right to Information (CRTI). Continue reading Right to information: Six months on, Punjab yet to implement law